Video Content Tips:
- Your video should be 15 - 30 seconds in length.
- Gather your thought before you record. Be casual and have fun!
- Start by saying your name, your hometown, and state.
- Follow with: "Because of my teacher...." and include your teachers name. You can also add their grade/level or content area they taught in.
- Finish with your story about how that teacher influenced your life.
- Check out this example.
Recording Tips:
- You can record directly to ThankView on your desktop or mobile device.
Make sure to film horizontally so you fill the frame. - When recording with a phone or tablet, use a tripod or prop it up with something like books for stability. Try not to hold it.
- Keep your device close for good sound quality but far enough away that you are the focus. Try 3-4 feet.
- Choose a flattering angle for your recording. Shooting from below is not usually a person’s best angle.
- Choose a location that provides balanced lighting. Try to find a room that has a lot of natural light.